Hamouda Boussen
Vice president (2012,2013)
Contact: Department of medical oncology, Institut Salah Azaiz(ISA),
Boulevard du 9 avril. 1006. Tunis. Tunisia.
Email: hamouda.boussen@rns.tn
Email: sarroura2000@yahoo.fr
Education and Degrees
1984 Medical Doctor (MD)
1982-1984 : Residency and training in Medical Oncology at the institut Salah Azaiz, Tunis
1984-1988: Training in pediatric oncology and Adult medical oncology at the Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, France.
1984-85 : Certificate in general oncology, Faculte du Kremlin Bicetre, France
1988 : Assistant in Medical Oncology .
1988-1990: Medical oncologist at the institut Salah Azaiz, Tunis
1989: Certificate of biostatistics, Faculte de medecine de Tunis
1990-1991 : Medical oncologist at the institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, France
1990-91: Certificate in cervico-facial oncology, Faculte du Kremlin-Bicetre, France
Since 1991 at the institut Salah Azaiz, Tunis, department of medical oncology
Referrent in head and neck and gastrointestinal cancers
1993 : Associate Professor (Professeur Agrege) in Medical Oncology, Faculte de medecine de Tunis
2001 : Professor in Medical Oncology, Faculte de medecine de Tunis
Scientific Societies
Member of the directory of Tunisian society for Medical Sciences Societe since 1994.
Founding member of the Mediterranean Oncology Society(MOS) since 2003. Vice-President
Founding member of the Tunisian Society for Study of Pain (ATED) since 1995.
American Society of Clinical Oncology since 1987.
Member of the ‘International Association for Study of Pain (IASP) since january 1999.
Member of the French Society of Cancer since 2004
Member of the European Society of Medical Oncology since 2005
Editorial board of peer-review journals
Member of the editorial board of the Tunisie Medicale since.
Member of the editorial board of Cancer Supportive Palliative Care
Member of the internaional comittee of bulletin du Cancer
Fields of interest
Head and neck cancers and particularly nasopharyngeal cancer (23 papers)
Pediatric oncology (4 papers)
Central venous catheters in oncology(6 papers)
Breast cancer and specially inflammatory breast cancer(5 papers)
Gastrointestinal cancers(3 papers)
Running, Music and Jokes
English: fluent in speaking and writing
French: fluent in speaking and writing
Arab : fluent in speaking and writing
Spanish : Fluent in speaking and writing
Italian : fluent in speaking and writing