Yazid Belkacemi
Yazid Belkacemi
President (2006 – 2010)
Honorary President (2011, 2012)
Date and place of birth: Born in Algeria in 1962.
Education and Degrees
1988 Medical Doctor (MD)
1989-1992 : Residency and training in Radiation Oncology and Medical Oncology, Paris, France.
1992 : Specialist in Radiation Oncology .
1990-2002: Radiation Oncologist in the Department of Radiation Oncology, Tenon Hospital, Paris.1990-1991 Certificate of Pharmacology in Oncology, University of Paris VII
1993-1994 Master in Radiobiology
Universities of Paris V, XI, XII and the Institut National des Sciences et Techniques Nucleaires
2000 Physical Doctor (PH D). University of Paris XI.
2002-2007: Department of Radiation Oncology, Anti-cancer center, Oscar Lambret, in Northern France as referent in Breast Cancer.
2005 : Associate Professor at the University of Lille II.
2006-2008 : Radiobiology Lab and anti-cancer in Oscar Lambret Center.
2008: Professor in Radiation Oncology at Creteil Medical School, University of Paris XII.
2008: Master in Medical Management. ESCP-European School of Management. Paris
Clinical research interests
Management of breast and gynaecologic cancers, hematologic malignancies, rare tumors management and new technologies development in radiation oncology.
Biologic research topics :
Radio-sensitivity markers of tumours and healthy tissues and combinations of targeted therapies and new drugs with ionising radiation.